Benefits of Honey
For Women
Benefits of Honey For Women, Bees
are insects that have privileges. social life is one of the most ideal example.
At a stone in Spain (in the cave valencia) there is a painting showing a honey
seekers is climbing the hill to get to the beehive. This shows since ancient
times honey has been known and widely in use as a nutritious drink. Very many
benefits of honey for medical, Including to the health of women. In this
article described a few of the many benefitsof honey for women's health.
Here are the benefits of honey
for women :
Honey for fertility
Nutritionists argue that honey
can improve the quality of sexual and fertility. Honey works to stimulate the
ovaries in order to quickly evolve and make rapid uterine pregnancy.
Honey for pregnant
pregnant women honey serves as an antibody during pregnancy, Honey is also
often used for pregnant women because the breakfast will reduce nausea during
pregnancy and can increase appetite. Nutrients
contained in honey can help you in maintaining the health of the fetus.
of Honey For Face
addition to maternal health, Honey has been used for the treatment of facial
skin beauty since time immemorial. Here are the benefits of honey for face :
black spots
Remove acne scars
the skin
skin look radiant and radiant-ser
Can be
used as a face mask
Can be
used as material to cleanse the skin from free radicals
Gives the
skin is more delicate.
Reduce whitish
The content of antibacterial contained
in the honey will help you reduce and prevent the discharge caused by bacteria
and fungi. Antibacterial contained in honey is best used as a deterrent
diseases caused by bacteria.
Prevent cancer and heart disease
Flavonoid contained in honey can
help you in reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. Including breast and
cervical cancer that often strikes women.
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