Smoking Disaster - GADOH

Smoking Disaster


 smoking disaster
Smoking Disaster

Are you a smoker ? If so , could be you harm people around you including the very you love .
Not just dangerous to smokers, cigarette smoke also very dangerous for those who do not smoke but often exposed to its smoke ascended. For example :

Indonesia is a country fifth largest economic in cigarette consumption , said the world health organisation who.namun , at the level of the child and teenage , the number of smokers indonesia is the largest in dunia.'45 million children indonesia survey smoking according to global youth tobacco , ' seto said mulyadi ,chairman of the national commission indonesian child protection.

Robbie the senses wahyuda ( 27 ), a man who fought against cancer of the larynx, said to have had died on tuesday ( 23 / 6 / 2015 ).

Last in status in social media robbie asked president joko widodo to protect people from cigarette smoke.In petisinya also, robbie expressed the story when exposed to cancer from excessive smoking as a kid.

'i know cigarettes early while still was in grade 6 primary school for demands intercourse with a view to looked cool .Before i knew it , formerly i often in newspapers because achievement , now i noted for disease .Not again i can win dream me to be a a vocalist band because destruction vocal cords. And no longer i can proposes love to his beloved every day , ' wrote robby .

Another story in indonesia

Not just dangerous to smokers , cigarette smoke also very dangerous for those who do not smoke but often exposed to its smoke ascended . 

Ike wijayanti , 37 years old lady it is absolutely nonsmokers , but he has a vocal cords to lose his voice due to exposure to cigarette smoke in where he worked.

Potholes in the throat ike , he cover themselves with a headscarf he wear. My ' cancer patient vocal cords , because often exposed to cigarette smoke, if I had never smoked.

‘stop smoking'

Hopefully the story of ike this could be crucial lessons for smokers to be getting wiser when suck cigarettes and will take a dream others around it.

smoking disaster


Increased number of smokers, smoking-caused diseases have increased

The prevalence of tobacco consumption in Indonesia, both in the suction in the form of cigarettes or chewing tobacco, among people aged 15 years and over continues to increase in the last 18 years. Increased consumption was followed by an increase in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Researchers from the Agency for Health Research and Development of the Ministry of Health, Nunik Kusumawardani (standing on the front left), presents the results of research on smoking in Scientific Meeting Periodic Health Research Agency, in Jakarta, Wednesday (29/4).

Angger Putranto Researchers from the Agency for Health Research and Development of the Ministry of Health, Nunik Kusumawardani (standing on the front left), presents the results of research on smoking in Scientific Meeting Periodic Health Research Agency, in Jakarta, Wednesday (29/4).

"Based on gender, tobacco prevalence in men increased from 53.4 percent in 1995 to 66 percent in 2013, while in women increased from 1.7 percent to 6.7 percent."

Results Basic Health Research in 2013 showed that the prevalence of smokers (snuff) men 56.7 percent and women 1.9 percent. Where prevalence of male smokers largest in Gorontalo. The largest female smoking prevalence in Papua.

Factors causing the increase in the prevalence of smokers, according Nunik, is incessant cigarette advertising as well as easy access to buying cigarettes. In Indonesia, cigarette easily obtained because it is sold freely at a relatively cheap price.

"Incessant cigarette advertising through various media influence people's lifestyles. People increasingly think, smoking can reduce stress. Smoking is also considered a social tool to hang out with friends," he said.


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