Hormone Causes Fat Women - GADOH
 Hormone Causes Fat Women

Hormone Causes Fat Women

Hormone Causes Fat Women

Hormone Causes Fat Women
Hormone is a fundamental element in human body that controls soul, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, as well as appetite. Many women in the world find difficulties to lose their weight because of some certain hormones.
Taken from boldsky.com, one research shows that having an overweight body affects pre-menstrual syndrome. Here are several hormones that cause you overweight.
1.      Cortisol hormone
This kind of hormone is also called stressed hormone. When a person is feeling deeply stressed out, the intensity level of the hormone will increase and boost appetite. When you are feeling stressed out, walk on foot and get relaxed instead of eating. 

2.      Testosterone hormone
Several women will face Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) meaning gynecological disorder that inclines testosterone hormone production that makes women bodies overweigh. Besides, a little hair on the face will grow. 
3.      Estrogen hormone
Estrogen hormone will decline when a woman is going to receive her menopause period. This condition also makes her overweigh especially at the belly. You can easily find this fact when you meet old women at their 50.
4.      Insulin hormone
Insulin hormone is required in human body to control sugar-content in blood. The hormone however causes overweigh since it proceeds sugar and carbohydrate in food. When the hormone does not function well, the sugar and carbohydrate will turn into fat that causes overweight.
5.      Progesterone hormone
Like estrogen, progesterone hormone can definitely cause obesity when a woman receives her menopause period. While the progesterone declines, body fat will accumulate and the woman body will look excessive.
6.      Thyroid hormone
If you face hypothyroidism, a condition when one gets obesity, taking a variety of diet is useless. Besides, you will feel immediately exhausted and be in constipation, and your skin will be dried as well.
Make sure you live a healthy life. Do some exercises regularly and eat only healthyfood.

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